Cairns BIG Day - Habitat Bingo!
Habitat in a Nutshell: This tour combines coastal shoreline with mangroves, tropical wetlands, Upland Rainforest and tropical savanna to offer our biggest list of any day tour.

Key Species: Australian Bustard, Comb-crested Jacana, Green Pygmy-Goose, Pale-headed Rosella, Red-winged Parrot, Torresian Kingfisher, Blue-winged Kookaburra, Chowchilla, Bower’s Shrike-Thrush, Bridled Honeyeater, Tooth-billed and Great Bowerbirds, Grey-headed Robin, Mountain Thornbill.
Tour Introduction: Cairns is located on the coast, with its associated mangroves, tropical wetlands, and shoreline, but also within easy reach of the Upland Rainforests of the Atherton Tablelands and its long list of specialty birds, and the nearby tropical savanna on the edge of the Outback. While all the previous day tours principally focus on a main habitat, whether it be rainforest or savanna, this day combines all the habitats in the area, and offers a faster-paced, longer day in the field, maximizing the number of species seen, by covering more sites, and spending more time in the field. This is for the keen and brave only. The day kicks-off in the higher forests of the Atherton Tableland, searching for specialties like Bridled Honeyeater, Grey-headed Robin, Chowchilla, Bower’s Shrike-Thrush and Tooth-billed Bowerbird; then it will switch its focus to tropical wetlands, where Comb-crested Jacana, Green Pygmy-Goose and Magpie Goose can often be found. Next will be the edge of the Outback and the tropical savanna where Blue-winged Kookaburra and Australian Bustard occur. Before returning to Cairns, we will hit some Lowland Rainforest and target Noisy Pitta, four species of monarch, Spotted Catbird and Buff-breasted Paradise-Kingfisher. Finally, we end the day sweeping the shoreline for waders and after a quick scan in the mangroves for Mangrove Robins and Torresian Kingfishers, and town parks for fig-parrots and Black Butcherbirds we call it a day, a BIG DAY!